Could you have a look and investigate what could be the problem. I have dedicated server which is not listed on any blacklist but all the sites on it are getting blocked by avast…
You are blacklisted on some lists in relation with spambot/zombie. Your server might be (or have been) infected with malware sending spam or blocked for spamming/spamvertizing. Example blacklist:
It could be another client on the same hoster, or a previous client on your IP. Currently your website seems clean from malware.
Some blocklist entries don’t block a specific IP but a whole range of IP’s (in this case Some of your ‘neighbours’ on the same hosting provider might be spamming or infected with spamming malware.
This is by far the best blacklist provider and none of them are saying this IP is any sort of bad reputation. Could someone help to resolve this please? I am getting my customer a little bit annoyed with this…
I’d advice contacting your hosting provider and ask why their IP range is being blacklisted. They might wan’t to check for malware on other domains on the same IP range. If they believe to be clean they should contact the lists to be removed or whitelisted.
At the moment only seems to be blacklisting your IP range. This is related to email spam. Contact your hoster and show them the bounce message from the link I posted earlier.
That list you have given - their last news is from 2011 - i don’t think it is trustworthy list at all - shame that avast is even looking at it. All i know the IP is clean, so is the server and all domains on it - I am checking it regularly. There is no point contacting the hosting provider because all the ‘main/known’ blacklists do not blacklist the IP. Check the mxtoolbox link i have given earlier… I think Avast should re-consider the as a legitimate blacklist source… That has already put me off from using Avast in the future…
For now you can solve it by adding your URLs to the exclusion list.
Settings → Active protection → web shield (click the gear icon) → Exclusions → URLs to exclude
(not advisable as it opens up all blocked malware URLs:) going to Settings → Active protection → web shield (click the gear icon) → in Main Settings uncheck “block malware URLs”
If you wan’t an Avast response / action you’d be better of filing a support ticket. They aren’t very active on the forum.
Many thank for all the hints. I take it the changes you proposed will only affect my browsing experience and all the other avast users will still see the malware notification…
So I think the only way is to contact support at Avast as you said…