Avast blocks my browsers and networks.

On a fresh install of Windows 7 Professional x64 Avast starts blocking my internet. I cannot use any browser and access to my network becomes limited, yet Windows updates and the virus definitions update just fine. Everything was working fine before it updated about 2 days ago when the problem began. I did a system restore to a few days earlier and things were running fine until Avast updated.

Uninstalling Avast with the avast removal tool, then reinstalling it did not fix the problem at all. Neither did ticking the “start Avast services after other services” box.


I’ve had something going like your description (http access blocked, but ping and telnet ok).
Take a look at this post
Hope it helps

What version and build number of avast are you using, free/pro/ais 6.0.1091 (latest build) ?

After a program update files change and this change can cause your firewall to block the changed file, rather than notify of the change and ask for a decision to allow/block, etc.

What is your firewall ?
Does it allow avastSvc.exe internet access ?

  • If it does delete the entry for it and reconnect to the internet, this should force the firewall to ask permission again.

Hello, I have the same exact problem as OP as well. I have Avast Pro 6.0.1091, Windows 7 64bit and I’ve added avastSvc.eve to my exception list on Windows Firewall, but its still not working. Help Please! :cry:

You didn’t mention the OS as that determines if its firewall even has outbound protection, XP’s has none, vista and win7 has outbound protection, but is disabled by default.

  • Do you connect to the internet using a proxy (web accelerator, ISP, etc.) if so you would have to co-ordinate that with the web shield proxy ?
  • Try this also if the above doesn’t make a difference - From the avastUI, Settings, Updates, Proxy Settings, set it to Direct connection (no proxy), see image.