AVAST blocks new executables created by DELPHI

Since a few months, my AVAST blocks any newly executables created by my DELPHI7.
After sending some of these executables to the AVAST support, I had imagined that the problem would be solved but NOT !!!
At the moment, every time I have to create a new executable with DELPHI7, I need to inhibit AVAST before compiling with DELPHI this new executable otherwise it is rejected. Once it has been created, there is no more problem as far as theses executables have no viruses.
Perhaps is there an option in AVAST to avoid this problem but I could not find it ?
Could anybody help me because it is really annoying for a programmer to get this alarm ?

then i guess you have done this before

contact / report / upload file here http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php

Of course I did already send copy of the executables but the support does not seem to understand that the problem does not come from the executable itself, but from the fact that ALL FILES CREATED BY DELPHI ARE REJECTED !!!
AVAST does not like DELPHI !!!
I have sent again a message to the support. We will see but I am not optimistic.
Well, I solve the problem in stopping AVAST when compiling, but this is really annoying !!!

Hi f6dqm1,

Read: https://blog.avast.com/2012/03/20/autosandbox-why-are-you-annoying-me/
Consider this: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=3121.msg22507#msg22507 (reply#7)

‘Delphi’ provides a number of different file access mechanisms. The oldest is in support of consoles, where the Read, ReadLn, Write and WriteLn routines have a syntax that omits the file name. These are not harmful files and thus can be excluded from real-time scanning…

Now the exclusion routine (after establishing this should be applied):
* Open Avast (Double Click on the Avast icon in the system tray )
* Select the Real-Time Shields tab
* In the right pane click on the “Expert Settings” button

In the dialog that opens up select the “Exclusions” tab.

In the right pane, (on an empty line) click on the Browse button and select the folder of your choice.

There are several other options that can be activated: that is, in what circumstances the exclusions shall be applied (Read,Write, Excecute…etc)

Finally click on the “Add”" button . (Note that a new line shall then be available for you to add another exclusion)

Hope you will get your DELPHI7 problems fixed, but avast is not the only av having issues with Delphi, F-secure may have too…


post the screenshot of avast!'s alert window, please. You can send the blocked files to virus@avast.com with “False positive” in email subject.


Thanks to Polonius for the settings of how not scan a specific directory.
This works.
More convenient than stopping Avast for a while !
I have read several posts on the Web relating the same problem with Delphi7.
Just for information, when an executable is created by Delphi, Avast reports an alarm for a Win32:trojan-gen and puts immediatly the created executable in the quarantaine directory. When scanning this executable in the quarantaine directory, AVAST finds NOTHING, NO VIRUS in the file !!! Now, if I move the executable to my DELPHI directory and reopen the related delphi code, then NO ALERT occurs when modifying and recompiling the executable. The problem occurs ONLY AT CREATION OF THE FILE, not when modifying it.
Thanks for your help

I suggest that you take the opportunity to respond to Milos’s post as he is from the avast virus labs team.

Hi f6dqm1,

Yes, post an image as Milos asks for and what DavidR here is stressing.
This could also help other users/developers that found themselves in a similar predicament.
Milos is an avast team member and he can certainly make a difference where detection is concerned…

The solution I proposed was just meant as a provisional and temporary circumvention in case of a FP waiting to be fixed…
I am just a volunteer like the others that try to help out to the best of our ability
and work with the insight gained from years of avast webforum experience…

Hope your problems will soon be met with a permanent solution,


Hello guys
What have you done ?
I just wanted to make a scrennshot of the alert with Delphi7 but NO MORE ALERT with the last update !!!
And I have enabled the scan of my Delphi directory, sure. I verified twice and restart the computer. I don’t dream !
Have the Avast lab guys done something ?

I don’t know if what they may have done, but whilst we have been trying to get you to post a screenshot and send a sample to avast virus labs, someone else may already have done so.

Hello guys What have you done ?
you almost sound disappointed. ;D

Well that is what posting in a good support forum may deliver,
we are happy when you are happy,
