Avast blocks normal websites?

Hello, a few weeks ago Avast blocked an Instagram account that was a favourite of mine. It’s just a gardening account and I hadn’t clicked on any pictures or stories, I just clicked on her main page. I haven’t been able to see it since (it works fine on my phone, which is avast free, no problems)

Just now I went to watch one of my favourite video’s on youtube, and it’s family friendly, I have ad block etc and Avast blocked the video and it won’t play! Why is this happening please?

How do I stop it blocking websites that are okay please? How do I fix it? It’s really annoying! Thanks.


Hi Alex950,

We have been there before, read: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=230279.0

Report to avast: https://www.avast.com/false-positive-file-form.php so they can fix an eventual False Positive.


That other thread did not make any sense to me, not even the title ;D

So I have to report each time it does that? Okay…

Avast blocks normal websites?
What is a normal website ?