I have apparently an issue with my Avast Free Antivirus. About once a week (give or take) my webbrowser appears unable to load any website. I am using firefox, but the same is happening with IE. I just browse the internet for some time (mostly under 15 mins), then it stops loading any site. It’s doesnt seem to be an issue with my internet, since Steam works fine, as do other online games. My tablet and smartphone are working just fine as well. Why do I think it’s avast? Well, as I turned it off the last three times it occurred, the issue was solved. Not entirely, since Avast refused to restart again, so I had to restart the PC, but that’s a minor problem. For more information: I am using Win 7 and have Comodo Firewall, Avast tells me I have the current version.
It’s really annoying, I hope someone can help me with this issue :-[ Fur further information, just ask!
(and it just happend again…deactivating avast solved it, but that can’t really be the final solution)
Did you try doing a repair of avast via add/remove?
No I didn’t, trying it now (kind of thought an update was sufficent.) Though results might now be visible right now, it happens quite randomly.
Maybe you need to examine your firewall and if it’s interfering with Avast ???
Hmm maybe…but as I said, the issue is solved when I deactivate Avast. I have tried it with my firewall of course, but the issue persisted.
Regarding the clean re-install, I’ve heard that the firewall should be deactivated while installing an anitvirus due to complications in the registry (or something like that). Is this something I should look out for, or can I just install it?
Soo, I removed the rule, restarted a few times since then (not purposefully) and Comodo doesnt even ask me to create a new rule…which seems strange, but okay. More annoyingly, it just happened again.
I was wondering, can such a block be caused by visiting certain websites? Or, by opening too many tabs simultaneously?
Because for me it seems like there’s a connection between the block and visiting opening gamestar.de and sport1.de at the very same time. Both sites are very trustworthy (one is a major gaming magazine, the other a major sports channel in Germany), so I don’t think it’s something harmful, but in retrospective the block could be related to me opening those 2 sites simultaneously.
It seems like a stretch to me, but I wouldnt know where else to look for causes