Hi, i discovered avast antivirus and it will remain my favorite one…thanks you for making a so special and stable program.
I just only have a problem on booting…i already have uninstalled and reinstalled avast but the problem is always there…
the problem : When starting my computer, in the boot start the avast boot scan every time with an “exec error” and the scan failed after this, the pc continue booting. Every time i start my pc, i get the same error even if the boot scan is disabled! how to fix? thanks!
Could you please write the exact message it’s giving?
Also, to get rid of the bootscan, please follow the advice given e.g. here: http://www.avast.com/forum/index.php?board=2;action=display;threadid=178
there were a lot of string in session manager from avast, i deleted now i try to re-enable the boot scan and i’ll write down the error message if it comes out…
hmm why under my post there is “i’m lamaa?” >:(
hmm why under my post there is "i'm lamaa?"
…well maybe because you are…? Just kiddin’ ;D
If you want you can change it in your profile…
ah ah ah! nice! hmmm i back on avg :)))) ehehe just kidding! anyway i work fixing pc issues so i “hope” to understand something anyway thanks for help and speed report Vlk.
Why don’t use PhPBB? just an idea!
now i reboot and see the problem
Why don't use PhPBB? just an idea!
Because YaBB is better!
And, not to sound harsh, but could you resize your picture a bit, pleeaaassee?
really thank you for help.
the problem was because the avast scan was written in session manager for ten times…i removed and now it work correctly thank you again an up the irons…ehm Avast!