avast boot scan in Safe Mode with Command Prompt

Hello all,

I got a particularly nasty virus this morning on my PC (Windows XP). It has disabled some .exe files, so I can’t launch any programs. The “Run” command doesn’t work, either. It has also disabled System Restore (it says there are no available checkpoints).

I did some poking around on another computer and it looks like this is somewhat common. However, since I can’t launch any Internet browser, I can’t download any anti-spyware etc. programs. I can only work in Safe Mode with Command Prompts.

I figure I should start with running avast in Safe Mode with Command Prompts, since I can’t run it anywhere else. However, I don’t know the proper command prompt, nor have I been able to find it on the web.

Any advice/wisdom/ponderings in this matter?


hello judgebrack ,

I think you have some kind of patching virus. i would do this:

watch this video fully and follow what he does. a lengthy video but worth checking.