avast browser addons break Outlook

I upgraded avast recently to 9.0, and shortly afterwards I started having problems with using the MS Hotmail, now called Outlook.

It would only allow me to open one email, after that I couldn’t do anything. Everything I tried, I would see those little white dots floating across the top, which is how they show it’s busy. But no matter how long I waited, nothing happened.

Finally I remembered I had upgraded avast, and looked at the browser addons. There are two of them from avast. As soon as I disable them, now Outlook works.

Does anyone have any workarounds for this, or can explain what they’re supposed to be doing? Is it necessary to enable them?

Thanks for any advice.

There are no known work arounds.
Many users, myself included, have either disabled the AOS
or have not installed. The AOS is not imho security related.
The real protection are in the resident shields. IOW you can
safely disable the AOS without any security consequences.

To uninstall the AOS…Control Panel>Uninstall a Program>double click “avast”>click “change”>untick “Browser Protection”>reboot. :slight_smile:

It may be helpful to know what browser you’re using.

It is not necessary to enable the addons. In fact in your case it is clearly advisable not to.

However, you should probably have disabled them one at a time to establish exactly which one is causing your problem.

And I pretty much agree with Para-Noid

Knowing the history, it’s more than likely the AOS add-on.
The AOS has proven to be problematic.

Thanks guys, appreciated.

To your point Paul_D, I should have mentioned IE8 (I know, pretty ancient, no jokes please!)… and I’ll try re-enabling one at a time, just in case one of them works without problems.


And now I know the reason why a number of other pages didn’t load or render properly.

Always good to know the reason why!