Avast Browser based on Chromium?

An avast! browser based on Chromium, would be cool.

Main feature having a Network Shield to block harmful sites.

I wasn’t sure were to post this.


but Avast isn’t Comodo (dragon ::slight_smile: ) ;D , and I don’t think they’ll ever get involved in the browser business :smiley:

Why does avast have to build a browser to take advantage of what the Network Shield already does on virtually all browsers already. Answer, it doesn’t, so they should devote their time and energy into developing the avast antivirus products.

I don’t use Comodo no more… (except TrustConnect, as a backup for untrusted public networks).

Okay, it’s a bad idea. Nevermind.

Hmmmm, why would avast develop a browser that incorporates anti-virus features??
Gee, i cannot imagine why…oh, except that it would probably be the MOST used browser in history!
I would not mind seeing that either.
Most viruses come thru the web interface, I would also say that more than 50% of all users use a web based email addy too, since you can access it from anywhere.
There are those of us that would like to try to minimize the amount of software that runs at one time.
I do not introduce any outside software that has not been guaranteed by the manufacturer, so I may not need all the resident stuff. But I do use the browser…alot.
So, maybe not such a bad isea.