Avast Browser Security and Web Reputation Plugin

Hi all
I am using Firefox latest version and have Avast Premier on the PC and when i quit Firefox i clear out everything including cookies etc. I notice when i re open Firefox i see the numbers of websites ( or what ever they are ) that are supposed to be being blocked light up red with the number of what ever is trying to track me. So i check the supposed blocked sites and the global setting is turned on " disabled" if i enable it it works. But when a close and reopen Firefox that plugin is disabled again after reopening Firefox. So does the Avast Browser Security and Web Reputation plugin only work when you don’t clear history,cookies, cache etc after closing firefox ?

Thanks in advance

There are multiple problems reported for the latest FireFox version, this is just one of them.
Looks like Mozilla needs to have a look at things.

It’s not Mozilla’s fault. avast! AOS stores settings for the pluggin within a cookie. If you clear the history, yo also clear AOS settings. Yeah, it’s a bit annoying…