Avast bsod problems after upgrade to 7


Here is the report of my avast problem.

I was using avast version 4 pro for years since early april 2012 when decided to move towards version 7.
My laptop had never even one bsod for years!
Uninstalled from control panel version 4 then installed 7 pro and problems started with random bsod’s!

So decided to uninstall pro7 on 4/30/2012 first from add/remove panel and then also uninstalled with special avast’s uninstall utility any possible leftovers from version 4 and 7 on safe mode as suggested routine.

Then installed avast 7 free version but without behavior shield and autosandbox disabled both targeted as the suspects.No more bsod’s since then with my configuration having only 4 shields running as with version 4 meaning system archives web scripts and network.
All fine since then but
Today randomly another bsod occurs when opening from control panel my intel video card panel.

nirsoft bluescreen view shows as suspect avast self defence module aswSP.sys interference.

Since i have not installed or uninstalled any major thing for months and never had any bsod problem i stronly believe that version 7 does not fit with my laptop config as well as version 4 which i was using for years without major problems.

I will upload to avast ftp server windows minidumps to analyse and feedback me from here.Maybe it will help me or avast to correct something on next releases.First 4 files are minidumps with previous installation avast 7 pro before i had unistalled it from safe mode.Last one produced today is more interesting for me since it is from free version with minimal shelds running currently and so far had no problem for about a month.Also a .txt file with my laptop configuration data is concluded.

zip file name id will be “KONTONI avast FREE BSOD DUMPS”

I reupload two more new bsod"s files attached to avast ftp server for analysis

I would like to have a feedback from avast team if they can examine them please.

  • Which avast!..?? (Free/Pro/IS)
  • Which version…??
  • OS…?? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP…?)
  • Other security related software installed…??
  • Which AV did you use before avast!..??

Thanks asyn

Version of avast is free 7.0.1426
os vista home basic sp2 32 bit

i have upgraded this april from avast 4 pro to 7 pro and i had unistalled first 4 from add/remove program then uninstalled later 7 pro because of first bsod problem and also used safe mode with avast uninstall utility then finally installed 7 free
no other antivirus besides avast used all these years i was running v.4 with no such problem.

So, do you want to use Free or Pro…??
Do you have a legit license for the Pro version…??

I have free version running.

My problem is bsod’s and i just want to solve this problem appeared after installing version 7.

  • Other security related software installed…??

windows defender and malwarebytes pro the second only on manual mode (no realtime not startup )

  1. Download avast! Free Antivirus: http://files.avast.com/iavs5x/avast_free_antivirus_setup.exe
  2. Follow instructions: http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility (Run this tool for all prior installed avast! versions…!!)
  3. Reinstall avast! with the downloaded installer from point 1.
  4. Reboot.

you mean on step 2 run utility on safe mode or from standard mode?since i had run unistall utility before installing free version instead of pro would it be more practical to have an answer from avast technicians about minidumps ?

Click on the link and follow the instructions. :wink:

OK i have unistalled from safemode with avast utility deleted avast local temp folder and program data and program files remnant folders after this unistall and now i have installed it again .

Let’s see how it works for the next days but i am convinced that problem lies on avast itself since i have nothing changed on my laptop apart from version 4 to 7 and technicians should release an upgrade version that’s why i am asking to examine minidumps i uploaded. :wink:

Hi kontoni,

Even if an avast! user were to upgrade from version 6 to version 7, the difference between the capabilities and functions for the older and the newest can be enough to cause problems such as you have experienced. The forum is now populated with similar complaints.

You’ve moved from version 4 to 7. Running aswclear.exe removes all older files from version 4 so your system does not call them up and cause problems or conflicts.

I have always chosen to do a clean install of Avast! whenever the version number changes. Example: Using version 6, uninstall cleanly, install version 7. Using version 5, uninstall cleanly, install version 6.

I never upgrade.

Not necessary to install/uninstall versions from 4 to 6 to install 7. aswclear.exe takes care of that problem, thus allowing you to go directly to version 7.

Thanks mchain for the remarks

I have used aswclear.exe to remove version 7 and to reinstall it yesterday.i had done so when i had installed version 7 pro and then removed it (when i saw first bsod’s) for the free version.

version 4 was uninstalled on april from add/ remove programs panel and running aswclear.exe was not an option since there was no folder named alwil soft on program files path to choose from.I think this is good meaning no remnants of v .4 were left.I don’t see any avast 4 file when scanning with windows search utility anywhere named alwil.

so i suspect avast was or is conflicting and minidumps should spot a light on it!