avast! BSOD 's

Have the problems with avast! BSOD’s been fixed?

If so, I’m too “gun shy” to go back to avast! right now.

In the time I’ve been away I’ve tried several av’s.

I have never been a fan of AVG, but I am now.

It is really good. I like many things about it, especially the scanner,

it can be set to use full processor power so full on demand scans are as fast as quick scans.

Outpost Free fw has been fixed, I like that it is 64bit.

Another thing I like about AVG is it is 64bit!!!

It is fast and lite.

I hope you will consider my input for the next version of avast!.

Take AVG for a spin around the block, I think you will get some ideas to improve avast.

I see there still BSOD issues with avast!, I’ll be away from avast! longer than I thought. :frowning:

See this topic here:

The patch appears to work for me so far, so it might for you too.