Avast Business Antivirus version 19.7 will be released later on today, October 1, 2019.
Release Summary
This release contains new improvements and bug fixes to our Avast Business Antivirus client.
Avast Business Antivirus 19.7 will be available for new installations straight away. All existing devices with Avast Business Antivirus 19.6 or lower will start the automatic upgrade to 19.7 at a later time.
If you wish to upgrade your devices to 19.7 prior to the automatic upgrade, then you can create a new Task (Update device – Program update task) from your console.
A system reboot will be required to complete the installation. There will be no forced reboot unless you have set this in your device policy settings. Servers will never reboot regardless of your device policy settings.
- New options in settings - two old settings were returned back - Internet Connection Sharing Mode and Enable automatic port scan detection - you can find them under Firewall settings and consoles
- You can now schedule and delete Quick scans
- New option in Web Shield settings - Enable QUIC/HTTP3 scanning
- New Smart Scan design, improved look and feel
Resolved issues
- Fixed issue in explorer scan - toaster will now display for each explorer scan
- Fixed memory leak in aswStm.sys driver
- Fixed crash in instup
- Antivirus editions are now updated after reactivation to another edition
- Sandbox – Add app button will now load applications
- Update fallback added, if the Master Agent with proxy is not reachable, then the devices will update via Master Agent without proxy (update directly from the internet)
- Fixed issue with dumps being created on devices with 19.5 or 19.6 versions after a device reboot
- Fixed issue with devices in a policy that have Override local client configuration in the firewall settings not being able to change local/private firewall settings
Release notes below:
Avast Antivirus 19.7 Client Release Notes
Your Avast Business Team