Avast Business Cloud Management Console 7.12 has just been released (August 14, 2019)
Console version: 7.12
Agent version: 4.15
Windows Antivirus: 19.6
Mac OS X Antivirus: 13.12
Release Summary
This release contains improvements to our Avast Business Cloud Management Console and bug fixes.
[CBC-8474] A proxy fallback feature has been added which allows devices to attempt to update via the Master Agent without the proxy. There is a new setting for this feature under the device settings > Bypass proxy server settings for local update server. This setting will work with Avast Business Antivirus 19.7 (when available)
[CBC-8726] We have added an ID number to the Internal Server Error message. This will help our Support Team identify the server error for more information and to provide more detailed updates to our customers
[CBC-8863] Updated text color on our Operating System widget as it was difficult to read the widget detail
[CBC-8912] Improved reinstall of broken agent. When the agent on the device is broken and a reinstall has been sent to the device, we will use a force install parameter to get the agent back to functioning
Bug Fixes
[CBC-8749] Fixed synchronization issue around proxy settings on the local client when switching from proxy to non-proxy setup, devices will now update to show no proxy settings
[CBC-8821] Resolved Server Error message when attempting to delete a policy setting
[CBC-8862] Resolved Server Error message when attempting to select multiple patches and deploy immediately. Server Error message will no longer appear and patches will be deployed
[CBC-8198] Resolved issue around unexpected workstation/server reboots
[CBC-8648] Fixed Session Expired message that constantly appeared
Release notes below:
Avast Business Cloud Management Console Version 7.12 Release Notes
Your Avast Business Team