We apologize for the delay in the release notes, there was an issue with the forum live date. Avast Business Cloud Management Console 7.8 was released on June 19, 2019.
Console version: 7.8
Agent version: 4.14
Windows Antivirus: 19.5
Mac OS X Antivirus: 13.12
Release Summary
This release contains improvements to our Avast Business Cloud Management Console.
[CBC-8533] Made some improvements to the Subscriptions page when products are in expired paid and expired trial mode. We have made it more clear when each product is expired and if the trial has expired
[CBC-8402] Devices in the devices list will no longer show dimmed/grayed out once their assigned license has expired
Release notes below:
Avast Business Cloud Management Console Version 7.8 Release Notes
Your Avast Business Team