Re-posting this in this forum (was recommended that I do so by tumic–moderator):
OS X’s Server.app has a virus scanner folder where it downloads virus definition files under /Library/Server/Mail/Data/scanner/[service-name]
Originally I tried to add the virus definition folder. Then I tried adding the scanner folder. Then I tried adding the entire /Library/Server/Mail/Data folder. Closing the program and opening it again still shows the exclusions. After a reboot, the exclusions disappear.
I’ve tested this on 20 machines with different OS X versions. I picked two machines to test further. Both of them have program 11.9 (46174) with definitions 16041300. One is 10.10.5 and one is 10.11.4.
Thinking this folder might be special, I tried adding folders and files under the root, /Applications, /Library, /System, and /Users. All of these go away on reboot.
I noticed this file has the exclusions in it:
/Library/Application\ Support/Avast/config/com.avast.fileshield.conf
After rebooting multiple times with all exclusions disappearing, I tried locking the file:
sudo chflags uchg /Library/Application\ Support/Avast/config/com.avast.fileshield.conf
The file remains the same, but the exclusions list is still empty.
Has anyone experienced this? Any ideas? I don’t see an option on the web console to push down exclusions.
This is another reason why I want command-line options or some way to push things: