Avast Business Hub 8.35

We’re happy to announce that Avast Business Hub 8.35 has been released! (December 15, 2021).

This release brings improved support for virtual environments, along with the smaller quality of life optimizations.

New Feature(s) & Enhancements
• Improved support for Citrix virtual environments, so that cloned devices are not recognized as new devices. (The latest agent is required in the image)
• Added search feature to the multi-company dashboard.
• Improved reliability of Patch Management deployments.
• The “Protection component disabled” alert was removed.
• Alerts on the Devices page and device detail are improved to show accurate alerts from the Alerts page or the Dashboard.

Resolved issues
• Fixed an issue with device aliases not being updated in all sections of the Hub.
• Fixed an issue with proxy information not applied after installation.
• Fixed an issue where a duplicated server policy created a workstation policy.
• Fixed an issue with getting an error after creating a new policy from an existing policy.
• Fixed an issue with sorting and filtering on the Subscription report.
• Fixed an issue where subscription usage on a multi-company dashboard doesn’t match with the site/customer dashboard.
• Fixed an issue when the “No backup space left” alert was sent multiple times instead of just once.
• Fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to enable events to watch under the Alerts settings.

Known issues
CBC-12938 Stopping task for patch deployment doesn’t work
CBC-15370 Files stuck in virus chest under deleting status in console
CBC-16600 VPN uninstallation doesn’t work under rare circumstances
CBC-17182 Restart prompt comes back after selecting cancel
CBC-18046 Global Policy does not get applied correctly
CBC-20417 Some patches are failing to install as they are already installed and not detected
CBC-20741 Notifications generated for device in Business Hub despite uninstalled
CBC-21028 Antivirus and virus definitions alerts reports wrongly out-of-date status

Find Release notes and Roadmap on our portal