Avast Business Managed: "DNS Resolve has failed"

[b]In response to:

Aleksandr Nazaryan - “When “Always update from Avast servers” checkbox is checked, then no DNS resolve error is displayed and updates are pulled only from Internet.”[/b]

That is NOT an acceptable answer for anything more than an estate of a few machines.

Mine is pretty small at 32, others are hundreds. You really, REALLY don’t want all of those going to the internet individually for their updates.

What the hell is the point of assigning “update agent” machines then? NONE!

BTW - I’ve noticed that a relatively new “behaviour” with my cloud care is that the update agents I’ve assigned for each subnet keep being cleared! Why?

Is this Avast’s ham-fisted attempt to try and keep updates going while they figure out what is broken in UpdateProxy.dll?

On our clients the file can be downloaded, and tracing the host and IPs works like a charm.
We need a solution immediately, or we need to recommend anti-virus software from other manufacturers to our customers in the future.

That is not satisfying!

Hello, I read log snippet as there is 20s timeout reached for connection to our servers (specifically http://w3072800.iabs.u.avast.com/iabs/servers.def.vpx served by The content is present on the server so I can only point to some networking issue.


Are you saying that all of our Avast Business Cloud installations happen to have the same problem at about two dozen of our customers, with different network configurations, firewalls, and ISPs?
In addition, other customers here in the forum have the same unexplainable problem? Sorry, that does not seem realistic to me.

I am expert in IT networking and infrastructure. All of our above mentioned customers only have this problems with Avast update mechanisms and only since “upgrading” it from Avast Endpoint Security, while upgrading means that we did fresh installations without importing old settings automatically.

If pointing to others shows the kind of support that Avast will offer to its customers in the future, then we will have to use products from other manufacturers for our customers in the future. This is not the quality of software we can represent.

Best regards.

Any solution yet?

Any update? Same issue here… >:( >:(

I removed alle Master Agents. Now most of the Workstations are updating again. Looks like a Problem with the Master Agent concept itself. Maybe in relation with the DNS-Services of a Domain-Controler? Anyway: disabling the Master Agent isn’t a real solution.

What me really bothers is that: Why don’t the Workstations switch to online update if they can’t reache the Master Agent? This looks like a desing failure to me

Wireshark dump of failed update might be interesting to see.

We are testing fixes on both P1 issues with CloudCare and AfB update mirrors. We will post here again when we get ETA for the release.

You may want to add a fallback also: If an update via Master Agent fails, a direct online update should be performed. A Master Agent could be unreachable for several reasons. But an up to date client is essential.

Absolutely. Fallback update method will get fixed as well.

We’re having the exact same issues on a few customers’ networks. Avast seems to be interfering with local DNS queries. Even if the computer only has a local DNS server in it’s configuration it’s still getting DNS requests from external servers. This, of course, is causing Active Directory issues.

I updated my Avast this morning, and immediately had a DNS service error. Since it was ONLY affecting 1 device, I used system restore, and restored to a previous state. The system restore was successful, and I was back online. I then created a new restore point, and updated Avast. Once again, I had a DNS server error. I will update Avast as soon as I know this problem with the update is fixed.

My advice - restore your system to a restore point created PRIOR to the Avast update. This should get you back online, until Avast fixes this bug.

Edited to add the File ID created by the Avast Support tool: B1495

Hello, I want to inform you that we are preparing uUpdate containing fix of the issues with DNS for AV 18.5 that caused problems with detection of the mirror server.

Unfortunately, part of the fix is also in the CloudCare agent, which hasn’t been approved by their QA yet and the problem with the fallback is in the code of setup, which can’t be updated by uUdpdate at all. So the issue should be completely solved in the AV 18.6, which we are releasing at the beginning of September.

Thank you for your patience

Thanks Libor, at least we’ve a timeframe now…

Hello, we are in the final phase of testing the uUpdate. It’ll be released in few days.

When an update/fix will be available??? it’s already September!!!
Currently, we got over 40 machines that unable to update definition since last month…This is unacceptable… >:(

We need the update ASAP

This is happening to us too! Is there a solution?

[u][i][b]Any time-frame we can give clients on release of 18.6 and console 6?

Many clients have started trials of competitor AV vendors. It is very frustrating dealing with daily complaints about mirror updates failing and not being able to give a clear answer. We seem very unprofessional and I agree with clients.[/b][/i][/u]

Please Avast, we are losing lifelong avast clients like wild fire. Customers ranging from 5 to 3600 seat licenses.