Avast Business Management Console AND local update server on the same computer


I’m doing an evaluation of Avast Business Management Console 5.0.103 (ABMC) + Avast Business Antivirus client 18.4.2534 (ABA).
No trouble for installing ABMC (with a auto-generated certificate).
Now, I would like to use the same computer both for running ABMC and for a local Update server. This implies to install ABA onthis computer.

The problem is the following : as soon as I install ABA, I can’t access to ABMC anymore.
I get an error from the web browser (I_NET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND from IE/Edge, ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED from Chrome)

It seems ABA blocks the console (perhaps due to the https certificate). The workaround could be to disable th firewall, but it’s obviously unwanted.

Is there any way to solve that, or a workaround ?
