I see today, in the client program I can update to v.7.01373, but in the console I see the last version is always the 6.0.1373 as you can see in picture attached…
Now we can update the program or not? I think is a problem on avast server…
I think they goofed on the version numbering. If you check the changelog on their main page it shows that the last update in I think December was v 7.0.1373.
…yeah I see :o
there is no v7 for the BP nor BPP.
The GUI wants to “confuse” you. → yes, bug → reported.
thank you
Awesome answer.
Thanks lukas
I hope will be fixed
We have the same problem
Hola, yo tengo el mismo problema, incluso al actualizar a la v7 me resetea la maquina y me da error en aswsnx.sys
Any news ?
1 month that we wait an Answer >:(
@pascal.g + 100 >:( >:( >:( >:(
Business customer deserve a better deal, after all, they are who pay for avast!
Quality is also a feature
This is Quality?
Four months since the last program update of Administration Console (version
any news?
any news?
3 month without news
Hi pascal,
I think the problem will be solved definitely only with the release of new avast! Small Office Administration, that are now on beta channel…
RC is available now - http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=98671.0
Yes, but this not solve the problem for current customers in real environments. >:(
Limitations: - install in testing environment only
Yes I’m also have the same problem