Avast Business triggering IPS DNS.Invalid.OPcode

We have begun migrating over to the Avast Business Pro and I have about a half dozen machines triggering our IPS system with DNS.Invalid.OPcode as they attempt to hit vpn-gw-prod-004-tor0-sfl.ff.avast.com, vpn-gw-prod-003.mil0-sfl.ff.avast.com, vpn-gw=prod-006-tor0-sfl-ff-avast.com, etc.

Providing a sample of the trigger.

Question is, is Avast doing something non-standard with DNS or could this be a false positive. We did not see anything like this when using Endpoint Security Suite.


Anyone interested - it is the SecureLine VPN contacting home. Still not sure what it is doing behind the scenes to trigger the IPS event, but we removed it from our systems and the situation is now gone.
