avast! Internet Security (what i use) can be uninstalled in safe mode or using the uninstall utility. can you set a password authorization for the uninstall utility and safe mode?
avast! Internet Security (what i use) can be uninstalled in safe mode or using the uninstall utility. can you set a password authorization for the uninstall utility and safe mode?
Not to my knowledge. If you use the “avast uninstall utility” you will be prompted
to reboot into safe mode…click yes. Another handy tool is “Rejzors avast cleanup tool”.
Well i mean that i can uninstall avast in safe mode without the authorization password and i don’t want that. avast! should add a password authorization to avast! uninstall utility and safe mode
I will be really useless. While in Safe Mode, there is no driver/service to protect the password. You can manually delete (almost) any file and get rid of avast! installation (or any other program).
Is it Possile to add the Authorization Feature on safe mode though?
Not really since, as Lisandro stated, no drivers/service is/are running.
Your computer has a safe mode for a reason. If you want to prevent
someone else from uninstalling avast elevate avast to “administrator” level
and make sure anyone else who might use your machine has their own
account and password. Once you elevate to administrator level don’t
give out you administrator password.
Safe mode, I believe should require the user to login as the Administrator or at the least an account with administrator group privileges.
So it isn’t as if all and sundry can boot into safe mode and uninstall programs. Ensure the Administrator password is robust and known only to the administrator.
As David said, logged with an admin account in Safe Mode, you can delete files, folders, whole programs installations, etc., regardless any other password limitation.