I’ve got a mac and installed avast to scan my macbook to be sure there are no virusses on it. (I’m about to exchange some software with a friend of mine)
Avast found 2 virusses in Windows 7, which I use as virtual machine.
These are the 2 virusses:
(Windows 7.pvm > Package: 2 items, 0 warnings, 2 virusses)
[u]- Windows 7-0.hdd.0. → Win32:Adloader-AC[Trj]
- {42474349-9089-43a6-a780-f1ddfa85ee33}.mem → Win32:Virut-C[/u]
I’ve been able to remove one virus which was also in my virtual machine.
The virusscanner I use on my virtual machine does not find these virusses. So it is obvious these virusses are in the ‘installation’-file I used to install W7, or in the operating system itself. Though Avast shows this virus as a ‘part’ of my Virtual Machine. (I use parallels)
How do I get rid of these virusses? I would rather not delete whole W7, that really would be a pain.
Thanks in advance,