"Avast can't be modified or deleted because it's required by macOS"

Attempting to remove all remaining files from my sister’s mac. Avast application is no longer in Applications.

Only remaining file that cannot be removed is Avast application located in MacHD/Library/SystemMigration/History/Migration-4EC73EB2-46AE/QuarantineRoot/Library/StagedExtensions/Application/Avast

When I try moving the file to trash a window appears saying “Avast can’t be modified or deleted because it’s required by macOS”

http://Screen Shot 2019-10-17 at 10.02.19 PM

http://Screen Shot 2019-10-17 at 9.31.43 PM

http://Screen Shot 2019-10-17 at 10.02.55 PM

unable to open application to uninstall because parts are missing or damage

How do I get rid of this


Hi, don’t know if you’re still bothered by the problem but as I experienced the same issue the following works for me anyway. Disable your SIP (System Integrity Protection) by booting into Recovery Mode, open Terminal, punch in “csrutil disable” and hit enter. Restart your computer, and remove that “avast.app” with Terminal command “sudo rm -rf [insert file path]”. Voila. After it’s done if you feel the need to re-enable SIP (which I did anyway) just again, boot into Recovery mode and use “csrutil enable” in Terminal; then restart. Everything should be fine.