After upgrading to pro-edition avast cannot connect to sever for updates. Avast also refuses to uninstall from Add-Remove programs. - Rabidfox
Do you use any firewall that might block avast! from network access?
What exactly does it mean, “refuses to uninstall”?
My other computer works fine with home version. Firewall is not at fault. When I highlight Avast in Add-Remove and click “Remove” nothing happens. Avast stays highlighted.
Try this for uninstall Avast:
It would be good to know what have caused this… generally, a bad installation of avast due to a second antivirus present or firewall problems.
Is it your case?
That uninstall utility did the trick. The new install of Pro edition seems to be working fine. Before I uninstalled the old Avast I noticed that Add-Remove Programs showed a file size of 59 mb. and said “rarely used”. The new install shows a file size of 38mb. Maybe I should have uninstalled the home edition before installing the Pro edition. This is the first time that I have had any problem with Avast and I have used the home version for over a year. At this time all is right with the world. Thanks a bunch for everyone’s help and interest. - Rabidfox
I think this is not related to the fact you’ve not uninstalled Home version before. avast will upgrade from Home to Pro correctly.
The problem should be other ‘skins’, files on Chest, reports, dump files, etc. that remain in the original Home installation.