Avast can't install due to invalid or corrupt signiture?

Back again I suppose.

A while ago I had to take Avast off due to it causing BSOD’s on my computer, I re-installed and there was not really any issue, then lately it kept causing so many BSOD’s with my Nvidia drivers I was forced to factory reset.

Now, It’s run through installing again with all my Win10 updates installed, I tried to download Avast (Free) from the website through Edge and met with the ‘Avast cannot install due to a invalid or corrupt signature’ tag.

I’ve had so many issues with Avast as of late, It’s infuriating.


We are currently investigating the Invalid file signature problem. It seems to affect only IE, though.
Could you please try using a different browser?



It’s come up on Firefox as an unknown publisher too, though It’s letting me run it, hopefully it doesn’t cause any further BSOD’s for me, I noticed a few occasions in the past few days where it would de-regester my free license, uninstall the Firefox avast addons and so forth, among other things.

I’ll keep a close eye on it

Same issue in Edge…

Sorry, I meant any browser made by Microsoft (either IE or Edge) :slight_smile:

Same problem here.
I am running Windows 10 1511 build 10586.63 and Avast 2016 R1 SP1 (2016_11_1_2245).
Mostly it goes wrong with BIG downloads in IE 11.
No problems downloading same downloads in Google Chrome and Firefox.
Also same problem with Avast disabled.
Even disabling Avast Online Security in IE did not help.

I do not think anymore this is an Avast bug, because I have same problems in a Insider Preview Windows 10 1511 build 10586.63 WITHOUT Avast.
In this system Avast BETA was running, but is removed there.

I had the same problem when I tried to download Avast 2016 (11.1.2245) from the Avast website on Jan. 18 (I am using IE 11, Win 8.1, Windows updates all current). So I went instead to the CNET.com website from which I was able to download it without any issues. Hope this helps Avast team members to troubleshoot the problem which seemed to be related only to downloading from Avast, not CNET, website in my case. Thanks.