Avast can't manually update files.

Dear Avast Support,

I have facing a problem, i m used avast 6.0.1289. when i manually update , and got an error …

Error : This VPS database requires latest program version.
Please download and update program using full setup, then run vps update again.

And for this virus definition i and download at http://www.avast.com/download-update
And virus definition can support avast! 5 & 6 & 7 series VPS.

Last week 8/10/2012 , i have manually update, but no have facing this problem.
Can you helped me checking is what the problem here?

Thank you.

Why not just update to the latest version…?? :wink:

if no need update new version and still support avast version 6.0, can or not?
because my pc is lower specs. just pentium 3 800mhz.
if install to avast 7.0, when boot up windows very slowly…

From Avast! web site:

To run avast! Free Antivirus, your PC must meet the following criteria:

Operating Systems Supported

•Windows 7 (any Edition, 32-bit or 64-bit)
•Windows Vista (any Edition excl. Starter Edition, 32-bit or 64-bit)
•Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher (any Edition, 32-bit or 64-bit)
•Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 4 (incompatible with avast! Account)

Minimum Hardware Requirements

•Pentium 3 Processor
•128 MB RAM
•200 MB of free hard disk space

Please note that avast! Free Antivirus runs only on PCs with Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 4 and newer.

For best results, remove any other antivirus software from your PC before installing avast!

after upgrade to avast 7.0.1466 i run vpsupd.exe and have error

Can`t install VPS update ver 7.0.1466

SI:0x00000002 ST:0x20000011 LE:0x00000000

Help please Windows XP SP3

Which Avast! Free, Pro, or IS ?

Upgrade from what ?
Why are you doing a manual VPS update ?

That error show most likely a corrupt download/install. Try again and download the vpsupd.exe


hello by all!
today loaded new vpsupd.exe updating passed without errors.
my friends computer without internet connection and antivirus bases upgraded manually.

topic is closed
all thank you!

Glad it finally worked out :wink:

today i manually updated by files still got this problem.

< This VPS database requires latest program version.
Please download and update program using full setup, then run vps database again >

but i try directly update by internet, not have this error. can update normally.

my avast version is 6.0.1289.
is zzit the definition files got problem? why cannot update?

Almost impossible to troubleshoot an outdated version.


Search the forum… There were some 6.x version with update issues, maybe yours is one of them.
Why aren’t you upgrading?

I am also having this same problem continuously, I get the same error “this vps database requires latest program version” …but on 4 days ago i have updated with this vps package and today when i formated my pc and re-install avast and try to update it gives this error.
what is the actual problem I cant figure out, the vps package is only 4 days old …cant we use older vps package so that avast should update offline and then we can use the internet to update virus definitions to the recent date …I want to manually update in offline mode because my internet bandwidth is limited .
Kindly elaborate all the terms and conditions which is associated with vps update . the program that am using is avast free 6.0.1203
4 days earlier i updated avast with the same vps package and suddenly i see that 4 days later after re-installation the same vps package starts to give this error “this vps database requires latest program version” WHAT IS THE PROBLEM ??? AM I DOING SOMETHING WRONG ???
cant we use an old vps package so that we can update in offline mode to save our internet bandwidth ??? KINDLY HELP


I got the FBI Virus by opening an email. And usually I don’t open emails from people that I don’t know. I had someone install different anti-viruses from remote, because I am not computer savvy enough to download these viruses. And I was afraid of having errors, because of incorrectly downloading and installing.Do you think that allowing an[http:/www.livetechondemand.com] anti-virus remote technician[http:/www.livetechondemand.com] to install these devices is more or less helpful? Or is there an easier download version of an anti-virus you have for use? Please help. :frowning: Thanks! :smiley:

See: Reply #9 (Latest version is 8.0.1488)