For the past two days I’ve had a serious problem with this; Avast can’t access HTTP pages when the web shield is on! I installed Comodo as well as MBAM, and found both annoying and removed them, only to find on reboot that Avast could no longer connect to the internet. With a bit of tinkering, I found that it was temporarily worked around by turning off the web shield, but coincidentally, that’s the majority of my use with this anti virus. I’ve tried several things mentioned in pre-existing threads on the subject, most recently having used specialized tools to delete the leftovers of the other applications. I also reset Windows firewall to default settings, and reinstalled Avast. On that note, I can get Avast working with webshield, but it completely stops working after I restart my computer.
Webshield scans incoming http traffic. Blocks harmful traffic. It does not visit webpages. The browser visits webpages. There is a Browser Protection in Adition Protections. Has expert settings been changed? Also check Aditional Protection settings.
Are you using Comodo anti-virus or just the firewall. If you are using the a/v read this
If you are using Comodo w/the anti-virus. Uninstall using the vendors uninstaller tool. You can get it here
If you are using just the Comodo Firewall try a repair of avast. Control Panel>Programs and Features>Uninstall>double click “avast”> scroll to and click “repair”>reboot.