Avast causes this page to not fully load

I try to sign up on this page and it hangs forever saying registering but never completes.
I turn off Avast and it works fine. Can something be done about this at all?
The address is


Seems fine here.

thanks for checking. the issue I have is that it does not complete, keeps saying registering but does not complete the setup and then take you to your new website.
Does that work for you and you are using Avast?
It doesn’t for me, only when I disable Avast does it complete.

The link works fine here for me to but im not willing to register on that forum to check further.

maybe you need a clean up?

do you have CCleaner? http://www.piriform.com/. ( remeber to un check the toolbar install)

also run AdwCleaner a special tool for removing browser / toolbar crap

Thanks Pondus but I have done scans and are very meticulous with security as I run a hosting biz.

I can confirm that the exact same thing happens on a second computer using chrome with
all addons disabled.

Then ONLY when I disable Avast on that machine too the registration completes as it should.

I have done this several times. It is consistent every time

hi djpete1959,

Is this your website? Running scans means a/v scans or what?

URLVoid scan here: http://www.urlvoid.com/scan/websitekreator.com/ New domain!
Sucuri scan here: http://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/websitekreator.com/websitekreator/sign-up.html
zulu.zscaler scan here: http://zulu.zscaler.com/submission/show/b480defb9ec0554545bf9e61de5ca712-1351152779
urlQuery scan here: Not processing request; still queued after twenty minutes.

Much safer to investigate this way. No need to turn off a/v protection.

Hi Mchain,
I am not looking for a virus.
I am saying that for some reason Avast is stopping the signup from from completing it’s loading, causing the loading of the new site not to finish completion.
Yes it is my website