I have been getting constant Schannel fatal errors in my event viewer and I’m pretty sure it is caused by avast. I have noticed that this error started appearing last week (6.-7.12.) not exactly sure which of these two days it started but what I’m sure is that I have not installed, updated, uninstalled or changed anything on my computer and system, it just started appearing out of nowhere. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what is the cause to no avail so I decided to reinstall my computer yesterday with fresh clean installation of windows 7 64bit ultimate. After installation of clean system, drivers and all my software the Schannel error was finally gone. I checked my event viewer after installation of every one of my programs and all was good. Avast was one of the last programs I had to install and right after avast installation and reboot, I got 3 Schannel errors right away and since then, they appear exactly 1 hour apart of each other down to seconds. You can see it on attached picture. Couple of errors always appears after I boot up my computer and then always after 1 hour without exception. I tried to turn off web shield in avast but it didn’t help.
I would really appreciate any help you can give me and also some information about how “fatal” this error is because I found hardly any information on the internet about it but what I know is that it has something to do with internet connection because without internet connection, I’m not getting these errors.
I’m using Avast free version with only shields and Avast online security addon in my firefox.