Avast Causing OpenOffice 3 To Crash?

Have there been any reports of Avast Internet Security (latest version) causing OpenOffice 3.3 to crash after it opens? I’m trying to find the cause. I’m using Window 7 (64 bit).

I had oo crash after upgrading to avast 6.x. Didn’t have the problem with 5.x

But then again, I get BSOD with 6.x and not running oo too.

Where are you trying to open Open Office To?

  1. Clicking directly on an OO spreadsheet file etc
  2. The main menu
  3. Office Calc, Office Writer etc.

Is there any dump (memory dump) or log that could be analyzed and help troubleshooting?

Yes to all three. I’ve also heard that IE9 can cause OOo to crash. I’m looking for all possible sources. I’ve used OOo for several years, ie. going back to version 1, with no problem.

I’m afraid I don’t know what BSOD stands for.

I have no idea.

BSOD - Blue Screen of Death (a nasty Windows crash…).

No, nothing like that. Just a notice the programme crashed. It appears that IE9 was the culprit. I uninstalled that and reverted to IE8 and OOo works fine.
Thanks for your input.

It appears IE9 was the culprit. I uninstalled it and reverted to IE8 and OOo appears to work just fine.
Thanks for your input.

It appears that IE9 is the culprit. I uninstalled it and reverted to IE8 and OOo seems to work just fine.
Thanks for your input.