Avast causing stutter P2P

This issue seems to be ongoing for many years now. I have trawled through quite a few threads of people very confused by the OP’s issue when asking how to fix it on this forum.

I have fixed it once before, but as a returning customer I can no longer remember how this was achieved. Can someone provide a definitive answer/link to the answer as to how to prevent the stuttering issues with media whilst P2P services are active.

Patching my windows copy or reinstall the P2P service won’t fix this - something to do with Avast, which even deactivating the AV firewall isn’t fixing.


Is it fixed if you disable Avast ???

Yea, uninstalling avast works flawlessly.

Please post in the correct forum and provide details.

I think the firewall component is doing this with its stupid DPC latency issues. And it seems drivers are still loaded even if you disable avast!. You have to uninstall it entirely to get rid of the issue.

What edition are you using? Internet Security or Premier?