AVast Changes my Language!

I am an English speaking person living in the German parts of Switzerland. Luckily I am bi-lingual. However since 2 months Avast has decided that my language is French! Oops Sir we introduced Geo- Targeting sorry! Well since when did the whole of Switzerland speak French? German is the predominant language followed by French. This means malware and virus details are all in French which I do not understand. Since 2 months I am trying to get a solution but Avast do not deem it necassary to solve my problem - I have bought a product I cannot read and understand.

DOes anybody else have this problem or am I alone here???

you can simply add your favourite language by going into avast ->settings (in french “paramètres”)->language(“langue”)->then select the languages you want and select “installer d’autres langues”
Next time choose a custom install and verify is selected the language you want. :wink:

avast just change its own interface language and does not change any Windows local setting.
You can download/install avast languages (almost 40 at the moment).

Thanks for the replies. Local is OK however when I go to the homepage or I am redirected (when I ask for more details to malware or virus attack) the Avast Geo-Targeting SW changes to French. Access to Support also is via French templates!!! Very frustrating

I don’t know what is the method that avast use to redirect the detail of an infection or the info about updates to an determinate language location on his website.
But there’s a workaround for this problem:
a) check if there’s the flag in the top-right of the page, and if there’s the flag, change it to your preferred language.
b) if you cannot finde the flag, change in the adress bar the language for example
change this link http://www.avast.com/fr-fr/… to http://www.avast.com/[b]de-de[/b]/… if you prefer the deutsch language or to to http://www.avast.com/[b]en-gb[/b]/… if you prefer the english language