I’d like avast not to change my settings re. background checking, Outlook plugins, etc., each time I do a minor update. I prefer to run Avast on demand only, and as it is I have to reconfigure it each time I update, which is weekly.
I’d like avast not to change my settings re. background checking, Outlook plugins, etc., each time I do a minor update. I prefer to run Avast on demand only, and as it is I have to reconfigure it each time I update, which is weekly.
… and an other irritating thing. I do not load any part of Avasts Services or other startup Parts of Avast, but if i make an update Avast make an update of my Startupsetting, too. It always ads the ASHDISP.EXE, so i always have to remove it manual after each update. Could you be so kind and turn that behavior of?
I wouldn’t recommend you to stop avast services - mainly the iAVS4 update service - without it the updates won’t work anymore (unless you’re logged on as a admin, which is, say, not wise :
Regarding the other comments: update does perform full ‘repair’ operation, what means it sets all parts (including residents) to their default settings.
If you stop your resident task, there will be only icon on the taskbar, it should not interfere with other av products.
Avast currently doesn’t support non-resident mode of operation. Until this changes (you may request it in wishlist topic), setup will do what it does.
Okay, normaly it is not very wise to use an Account with administrator rights, but name me one “standard” XPHomeuser who is not loged in as Administrator.
but that doesn’t contradict my statement, just emphasizes it. ;D