AVAST chest Problem (2)

Well, first of all hello!

I´m not gonna lie, I´m new with all of this (the forum) and I don´t know if this is the right…“place” to ask this but I´m kinda desperate.

I did a deep analysis and some records came with virus, the point is that when I tried to move then to the chest, there´s an error.

It is says that the chest is descomposed(?) kinda out-of-order. A month ago this didn´t happened to me. Also, before I did this check up, I was desinstalling some programs because I was running out of space, it was photoshop, a trial that I downloaded from adobe.com

and then I was checking my facebook and a rootkit warning appeared. I did an analysis during the…boot? (sorry guys, I´m still practicing my english :-[) and everything just went normal and that´s then did this check-up and that´s how I notice the error on my chest.

I´m really not sure what I can do or what did I do wrong, I´m hoping you can help me a little.

thank you for taking time to read this, hope you have a nice day :slight_smile: (3:15am here, tuesday LOL ;D)

Welcome to the forum.

Have you tried a repair of avast! ?



Reboot your system and see if that takes care of the problem.