Avast Chinese Fonts Problem

I have been used Avast for 7 years, but nowdays Avast update to 17 and brings new GUI based on libcef, Unluckliy, the chinese fonts displayed not well.



Look at these pictures, It seems that Avast use Korean fonts to show Simplified Chinese text.

You can use Gulim Fonts in Word to see it.


So please use Correct Fonts.

Simplified Chinese:“Microsoft Yahei UI”
Traditional Chinese:“Microsoft Jhenghei UI”
Japanese:“Meiryo UI”
Korean:“Malgun Gothic”


Hello DrThril, welcome to the forums.

Do you happen to have “MS UI Gothic” installed on your computer?
Why I ask this is because some of the fonts you posted looks like Japanese-style design, “管理器” for example.

And if that is the case I have a possible scenario causing this, as I had similar issue about Japanese fonts before.

BTW current Avast UI uses “Meiryo” for Japanese, not “Meiryo UI”. And before “Meiryo” it used “MS UI Gothic” for some time, which rings the bell for me.

Yes, I installed.

I made a mistake,First time I think avast UI used Gulim,But when I checked css,It is MS UI Gothic

But When I change css from MS UI Gothic to Microsoft YaHei

It looks like very good.

Thanks for the confirmation. I’ll escalate this issue to Avast devs.