Avast Chrome Browser starting at logon

Hi All,

Has anyone found a solution to disable the chrome browser from starting and going to the Avast site on login? This is really annoying.

I know some say to uninstall and reinstall Avast, but that’s not feasible in our situation. We didn’t forget to uncheck any boxes about installing chrome, and we actually use Chrome so we don’t want to uninstall it anyway.

All of the sudden Avast started popping up the browser ad for Chrome, whether or not it was installed and whether or not you have a paid subscription. In a business environment this is unacceptable. We’re a business user and have paid thousands of $'s for Avast in our corporate network for our work PC’s. I mention this for those free users who complain about ads etc. popping up. I can see this for the free version but not the paid subscription, business product.

Why is this being ignored by Avast as well? What is going on here? I’ve been a supporter for over 10 years and this type of thing is not good.

I’m already on the fence with not renewing our corporate subscription and this kind of crap is pushing me to find another product.

Signed One Fed Up System Administrator

Side Note:

Looks like they have an option for business users that use the deployment option:


If there were only an option for registered non-deployed installations.
