Avast claims program is not successfully uninstalled when it was not uninstalled

Occasionally Avast will message me that some program was not uninstalled successfully and that files remain on system.
Issue is: I never even tried to uninstall those programs, mostly messages are about Steam games, but sometimes are programs not even remotely connected to Steam.
It’s beginning to become annoying.

Oh, and update captcha images, there are more readable captchas online which do not hurt peoples eyes when they try to read them.

Oh, and update captcha images, there are more readable captchas online which do not hurt peoples eyes when they try to read them.
And it has a very high success rate against forum spammers as we almost have zero And it is only first 3 posts ;)

This is somewhat new to me and I have been on these forums for many years.
That said there some new modules that I don’t use - Avast Browser Cleanup, Avast Cleanup - optimisation and or cleanup tools that may suggest that you uninstall them (to improve performance, etc.). not that they haven’t been uninstalled.

What part of avast is reporting these ?
A screenshot or this message (when it next occurs) would be helpful.

Essentially for it to be effective it has to be difficult.

OK, next time it happens I’ll make screenshot.

Problem with captchas is that they are barely readable. I have healthy eyes and they hurt when I try to read those.
Last time I saw such captchas was 4 or 5 years ago…
Only catchas I see these days are mostly photos of street numbers and it’s required to write that number.
And they have been around for a long time, and are used on lot’s of pages, so I’d guess they are efficient.

I know my complaints seem petty, but I almost gave up on reporting this problem because I could not discern which letter was written in captcha.