Avast Cleanup Deleting Quick Access Pins

Ever since the latest version update, Avast Cleanup has been deleting my Quick Access pins on Windows 10. This has been horribly inconvenient for me seeing as I kind of have things pinned to my Quick Access for a reason. I have no idea if there’s a setting I need to change, although a quick glance over the program didn’t produce anything obvious. And if it’s certain files I need to avoid cleaning, I have no idea what they’re named. (They’ve also been deleting my Pinned/Recent Documents lists in my Start menu which is another thing I’d like them to avoid deleting, since I access those frequently.)

So, uh… Help?


let me apologize for the late reply and for the inconveniences ralated to the usage of our product.

This is most likely a bug in our latest “cleaning definitions” we use internally to identify files/folders to clean and we are now working on the fix.
We will most likely hide this category for now just to make sure that it won’t harm anything anymore and it will be fixed with the next product update.

Thank you for reporting it, we really appreciate your help!