Does the “new” cleanup feature now shows what will be cleaned before the cleaning or is it still after cleaning?
Sorry, but I have tried to install and even a clean install of the beta but had nothing but woes…lots of woes.
Does the “new” cleanup feature now shows what will be cleaned before the cleaning or is it still after cleaning?
Sorry, but I have tried to install and even a clean install of the beta but had nothing but woes…lots of woes.
This is my first time using it so im not really sure but in my opinion it could have more details added. This is what I see now(cleanup) and yes the drop down shows more info but its not really enough for the junk part in my opinion(cleanup2), I would rather use something like ccleaner for that. For the second it shows the process that could speed up startup and even give you the option to untick so that one im ok but I havent yet seen anything for the third part.
Cleanup does show much more detail up front than it did with GrimeFighter. Once you are licensed, you are able to select items you’d like us to clean or not.
In the case of the beta, all beta testers have a free license to use Cleanup for the duration of the beta. Once the official release goes out, those users will go back to unlicensed status.
We’d really like as many users to test Cleanup as possible. We feel it’s a significant improvement over GrimeFighter and the issues that product faced. For example:
-No longer boots to Linux; it’s Windows only now – this should remove all the issues users have had with GrimeFighter getting stuck in the boot and cleaning mechanism.
-We provide much more info upfront/better transparency about what we’ve found and allow you to customize the cleaning.
-The cleaning time, since it runs in Windows, takes seconds to a few minutes rather than 1 hour plus as in GrimeFighter
-Reboot is only required for the Registry Optimizer tool. The cleaning itself does not.
-The UI is simplified, the minions have retired and everything is housed within the Avast UI (again, no booting into a separate app as in GrimeFighter)
-Other nice features like:
System Analyzer – status of your CPU, Battery, and RAM as well as a snapshot of what’s taking up your disk space
Registry Optimizer – defrags your Registry hives/files
Real-time Monitor – informs you of leftover files after you do an uninstall
We are looking for as much feedback as possible so please give the product a try and share you thoughts
Davidek, I would give this product a try. However, as GrimeFighter failed me last October, I cannot take the risk of not getting my money back.
GF is history, see:
That I’ve to clear something: BETA testers have had a free licence, it ended with ‘2223 RC’!