I am a retired computer consultant with more years of experience than probably anyone in your company. I am here to tell you that you should be ashamed of putting out this piece of junk called ‘cleanup.’ I tried it over a year ago on my otherwise perfectly running Win7Pro unit and after I got worn out with its overly aggressive behavior I uninstalled it and encountered several new issues with my Win7, which took some Level2 support from Microsoft to clear up. Recently, I decided to give it another try, hoping that the intervening year gave you the opportunity to straighten this program out. Was I wrong! After uninstalling it, my Win7 was trashed. The task scheduler doesn’t work right, the updates don’t work right, my USB bus is erratic. Is that enough? I have had Level2 support twice try to restore correct operation and they can’t. I will do a new installation of Win7 as the only sensible way to restore correct operation and I also plan on dumping your antivirus program as well, so you can cancel my subscription on expiration date. I want nothing to do with AVAST any longer.
I don’t trust your skill level, or rather, lack of it. Thanks for making over 10 hours of work for me on a new installation, and I will tell the world what kind of crap you sell. Apparently, I’m not the only one here who isn’t pleased with this junk.
Also, the tech info at the bottom of this post is completely wrong. I have Win7sp1, with 8Gb RAM. Another example of how piss poor your programming is. Why don’t you try hiring some competent people, instead of the cheapest? Shame on you.
Don’t even bother to try to resolve this…there’s no way in hell I’d let you into my computer after seeing what sloppy work you do.