reinstalled, rebooted, re input license. Same issue, gets stuck at analyzing 99% nothing gets done, other computer i have running the same program ( payed for 3 computer license) runs fine with no issue. Tried to contact support but naturally my email isnt recognized and my info for avast and avast support page have nothing to do with one another. 8) some ideas would be appreciated but not expected.
If you receive no support here on the forum
You can go to and “Submit a Support Ticket”.
If you want to request a refund please provide as much info as possible about your case(s) at form - select Refund request on left side.
thanks for the reply. The trouble with the “support” site is it says my email/ avast ID is invalid so that’s kind of not an option, been through this before with them over secure vpn issues/billing and their support site is anything but supportive. Figured id try here (as i did with vpn) before i have to go through the trouble of pulling the plug through the billing company itself…again.
Hi, without any details it’s hard to tell where can be the problem. Can you please for example try to turn off shileds during cleanup scan? Maybe there is some conflict. And look onto AvastSvc in Task Manager to see how much CPU is used when it’s on 99%?
i shut off shields and still had no success, and im not sure how to use the task manager to pinpoint the avast svc specific cpu usage but my pc total cpu usage hardly moved from between 3-8% which seems kind of normal from watching it before and after.
after rebooting because avast told me to for some reason, the computer failed to boot, i ran repair, and had to restore to a previous point just to get it to boot, now avast firewall WONT start. While trying to uninstall Avast it crashed then set me on a loop of “cannot uninstall until the previous uninstall is complete” that in itself was a bundle of fun. and because im an idiot i reinstalled hoping the problem would resolve itself like magic. But no. I kinda just dont even care anymore, gonna try to reinstall/reset/restore pc to basic set up from right out of the box with the cd i hope came with it. if that doesnt work im going to take it to a secluded field and blow it up while i curse and blame avast whether or not it was the cause. Quite fed up with this none functioning pc breaking programing. been using avast for years, i start paying them and shit hits the fan.
P.S. Did contact costumer support through the program giving my email connected to my account but still no reply.
Hi vernO,
Did you run aswclear to uninstall Avast? You can find it here:
I hope that will at least solve the issue of the uninstall loop. I would still recommend to reinstall and try to run Cleanup again.
Maybe you can try to turn off the firewall and try to run it and then again with the firewall turned on.
Best regards,