Hi , Could somebody explain why Avast Cleanup tells me that all the software that I want to use on my PC is slowing it down? (Except Avast, of course!)
I put software on my PC for a reason, and I don’t understand why removing it will actually help, because I need it and use it!
you does not have to remove the software you can simply “put it to sleep” which in other words means that its related background processes, startup tasks and entries will be disabled for the time when the program is closed. They will be automatically restored when you start the program.
Also we do not detect all programs but these which have some background processes, startup tasks or other entries which could be potentially disabled.
It is also good to mention that this feature is more as a recommendation you could follow if you want or you could ignore it if you think you don’t need it.
You can even ignore a certain programs if you want to run them and don’t want to be constantly reminded about them by Avast Cleanup.
I hope this helps you understand the feature better.
Feel free to ask in case you would need to explain anything in particular.
A friend once came to me concerning this …i also had to explain …so i`d suggest that you make pop up on every area that explain what is happening there …