AVAST CleanUp Tool - Does the Tool make a Restore point before it runs

Running AVAST Internet Security & Antivirus with recently purchased Cleanup program.
Short Version; Followed the online instructions to uninstalled AVAST using Avast 2016 Uninstall Utility program in preparation to upgrade to Windows 10 (Recommended)
Reloaded my download I already had to reinstall my AVAST Internet Security & Safety Zone software back on and activated it.
Then followed the online instructions to to activate my Cleanup Tool program again using activation code found in my Online AVAST Account.
Been reading about various problems the Cleanup tool seems to be causing others and found out to fix them, you have do a Windows Restore to undo the changes.
QUESTION: Does the Cleanup tool create a restore point with the Windows Restore program before it run a scan and fix?
Or were customers expected to know to create a Restore point before using their Cleanup tool?

P. S. I find AVAST difficult to find out how to use it, fix problems, etc… But not impossible with reasonable searching and reading forum and Help.
