I’m having continual problems with Avast clients not updating. The web console tells me that they haven’t updated (the software, not the antivirus updates) and I have to manually click on a link to create a task to update them. This makes no sense as currently I only have 60 clients and can cope manually updating them, but as more clients are added this will be impossible to manage. Why can’t the software update itself without me having to click on each one because they are “in danger”??? If they are in danger please just update them.
The developers have been doing some updates recently which may be causing the issue you are seeing. You can create a task to update all devices within the portal. Under the tasks section there is an option for program updates. If the devices are on they will update. They will also need a reboot prior to the portal showing that they have been updated. Thanks.
I have tested having an upgrade task, but I still have the same number of devices in danger. Any other ideas short of going to each computer and installing the latest version by hand?
Can you confirm on an affected PC that it is still actually running an older version? Maybe the PC is up-to-date, but the console is reporting differently (ie its not getting comms from the PC).
What do the settings on the PC say in regard to program update settings? If the cloud has it on, then the same setting should be forced upon the client’s GUI setting (within about 10 minutes of boot). If not set, it might not be picking up the template correctly.
I assume the PCs have all been rebooted recently to apply any automatically updated software? Avast will run happily with the old version and keep reporting it after applying the new until the PC is rebooted.
Perhaps if you created your own template, delete it and create a new one in case it is corrupt and ensure your PCs are using it correctly.
If a manual update on the PC or a push for an update from the cloud both work, I don’t have an explanation as to why it isn’t doing it automatically, and I’d suggest opening a support ticket. They should be able to help you delve into the logs for a better look at whats going on.