Anytime i start my ms outlook, it is automatically short down except when i pause the avast oulook/exchange service and restart it after starting my outlook and is already running. Please can anybody help?

Maybe we can guess what’s happening if you say which is your operational system, firewall, the way you connect (DSL or dial-up, etc.) and when the error occurs: while connected or not ::slight_smile:


I would suggest that we start with a simple repair of Avast.

Normally, Avast does not affect the loading of MS Outlook unless there is a file corruption.

Has Avast ever worked properly with MS Outlook?

Go into Start/Settings/Control Panel/Add-Remove.

Click on Avast to highlight it, then Remove.
You should be given an Option to “repair” Avast.
Click on the Repair option and let Avast repair it’s files.

Try to load MS OE again and let me know any error message that appears.

Later. :slight_smile:

Anything in Avasts log file?
Anything in the system and event logs? (NT systems)