avast.com virus update history

Does anyone else see last listed update here on http://www.avast.com/cs-cz/virus-update-history from 6.1. 2013, or is my pc playing tricks on me? I came to take look, if my avast is up to date with virus definitions. If my question is way too stupid, then please delete this thread.

I’ve just got update 130113-0, but on the webpage it shows the last one is 130106-1. Is it okay?

It,OK,I also got VPS version 130113-0

Same here.


Fine. Hope it will be fixed soon.

It is more important to push out updates…then update the website :wink:
and then they also have a new V8 they work on…
as long as your avast does not show any errors…dont worry

Thak you for reassuring. I am not much of computer wise, but I am trying to keep it secure

Yesterday the page was up to date, showing the current VPS. Today, it’s gone retro back to January 6th, aka Benjamin Button. :smiley:

Yeah, I also noticed :D. If you put there date 12.1. 2013 instead of today’s 13.1. 2013, you’ll see all definitions until 12.1. just right. No wonder, why 13 is bad number in Czech land :wink: