Hello, in the avast command bar the option record audio record max. 5 minutes. I need more !
You can use 3 hours - please see the my avast website.
Hi svehlak, can you confirm the url for ‘your website’?
Many thanks.
It is the name of the site: my.avast.com
Hi L3,
I can see on my.avast.com, the record audio send command, at https://my.avast.com/en-gb/#devices/xxxxxxxx/record_audio/, however the duration is a maximum of 5 minutes, with ‘Maximum Noise Recognition Duration’ of 3 hours; hence unless you’re ‘capturing silence’, no file will ever reach 3 hours.
The ‘Use noise recognition feature’ doesn’t work (for me) in that even with it selected via the web, the command which is sent and shown in the command log screen is not to use noise recognition.
Ultimately it would be good to increase the actual Recording Duration passed 5 minutes to say a hour.
Also it would be useful that instead of simply purging an audio file when it can’t immediately be uploaded to the cloud, Avast tries again later, i.e. after the phone has finished on a call and the mobile data connect comes backup, or comes back into wifi range.
Many thanks.