Dear forum users good morning!
I have a question how much good is home/pro differences? what is the mainly differences?Is worth to get the pro?Is home enough for home users? Do you suggest to acquire the pro? I have read the pro controls scripts but home not. Is that true?Is the updating server the same? the home updating method is so frequent as the pro?Please do not link me to home/pro chart because I want to know your personal comments and feelings about using them. Thank you for your useful hints.Best Regards.
I can only suggest purchase of avast! 4 Professional
Back to your questions:
Yes, Script blocker provider is part of avast! Professional only.
Update servers are shared between all avast! programs.
There is 4 hours period between automatic updates in Home version. But updates are same for both versions.
There is 4 hours period between automatic updates in Home version. But updates are same for both versions.Is that so the servers don't overload or is it because the people who paid should get their updates first ? I'm just currious ;D
Check the servers.def file (currently 105 servers listed) and you will get an idea of how many servers there are spreading the load. Add to that the incremental nature of the updates and that helps also. Program updates are spread over a 7 day period to also spread server load.
Take it as one of advantages for Professional/Server customers.