I’ve downloaded Avast and have a couple of questions. It seems that it affects Dropbox somehow. I use it very rarely, but still need it for work. The upload speed has significantly decreased. It is not ok when I need to share files with my colleagues. And my Mac may freeze out of a sudden.
I do not know the reason for that. May be that freezing issues are caused by a software conflict. I have also installed MacFly Pro, a system cleaner. Could they be incompatible?
I decided to reinstall Dropbox and did everything according to this instruction - https://macflypro.com/uninstall-guides/remove-dropbox.html
When I tried to download DropBox again Avast did not seem to endorse it.
Unfortunately, I have not tried this option before uninstalling Dropbox - https://www.dropboxforum.com/t5/Error-messages/something-keeps-showing-up-in-avast-and-I-think-my-dropbox-might/td-p/138291. Do I need to add the .dropbox.cache folder to the Avast whitelist?
Oh, and the freezing problem persists, so Dropbox did not cause it. Can I change something in Avast settings to solve it?
Sorry for a bunch of questions